Jasper freshman Ryan Fritz kept her eyes on the drum major conducting as she played clarinet and marched with the Wildcats Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper.
Jasper bass drum players McKala Troxler, a sophomore, left, freshman Emily Cushman, sophomore Jordan Mathies, sophomore Luke J. Hochgesang and senior Zac Johnson laughed as they stretched during physical warm-ups Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper. "We're all really good friends. We're pretty much family," Mathies said. "I'll be sad when marching season is over. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience with these people. I will really miss being with my friends all the time."
Members of the Forest Park marching band perform in a semicircle atop a tarp while color guard senior Olivia Steckler, center, performed a routine with two flags for an audience and judges Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper. "It's all hard work, but it all pays off in the end," Steckler said.
Northeast Dubois sophomore Sarah Breeding, right, cried on the shoulder of senior drum major Mallory Barger as they coped with the announcement of a silver performance Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper. The band was 0.25 points from gold, which would have allowed them to move on in the competition.
Jasper sophomore Luke Messmer, left, held hands with junior Sam Ebenkamp as they came together with the rest of the drumline to focus in aim of a good performance Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper.
Jasper junior Janelle Gore wiped the soot from her fingers as she smiled at her friend, junior Kayla Judy (not pictured), after the duo wrote their school's name and musical notes on the back of a bus window before performing Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper.
Southridge freshman flautist Paige Wallace lied still on the ground at the beginning of the marching band's performance Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper.
Members of the Jasper High School marching band stood together as the sun set after marching off of the field Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper.
Jasper senior Kelsey Gelhausen, left, hugged senior Samantha Erny as the two congratulated each other after finishing their last district competition together Saturday during the ISSMA District High School Marching Band Contest in Jasper. Gelhausen and Erny met in sixth grade band class, and have been friends since. "It's kind of sad, bittersweet even," Erny said, "but we know it all has to come to an end sometime."
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