Sunday, February 27, 2011

FEATURE: Prayer on MLK Day

Holiday Essay 2 -- MLK

Central Michigan University sophomore Jalese Johnson of Oakland Park closes her eyes while she prays during a peace vigil after a two-mile march commemorating the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Jan. 17 on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Johnson was one of about 400 people who braved the 21-degree temperature to remember King's message. "For me, it's not just dwelling on the past. The slavery, the racism — we don't use this day to mourn the torn pieces in our history, but instead stand up for change," she said. "That's what Dr. King wanted us to do. Not hate, but fight for the rights we all deserve. There's not a day that goes by I don't think about his message. He was a visionary. We all owe him a great amount of gratitude, and this one day will always his memory will always live, playing out in our hearts."

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